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Tuesday 6 March 2012


A 92 year old aunt of mine has just been put into a Residence. The residence has its own medical support. The 92 year old lady can not afford to pay her Residence charges plus her private health plan. So we tried to cancel Sanitas with a month's notice. Sanitas have said that she has to see the policy out to the end of the year, or they will sue her.

 Sanitas will sue a 92 year old lady, in a residence because she wants to give reasonable termination notice on an necessary insurance / health policy that she can not afford to keep.

Is there anyone else out there in the same situation? Do you think this is unfair? If so pass this blog post around please.


Una tía mía de 92 años acaba de ir a vivir a una residencia, dicha residencia tiene sus propios servicios sanitarios. La anciana de 92 años no puede permitirse el lujo de pagar su residencia más las cuotas de su seguro de salud privado. Así que hemos intentado cancelar su seguro con Sanitas dando un preaviso de un mes. Sanitas nos ha dicho que mi tía tiene la obligación de mantener la póliza hasta el final del año, y que si no lo hace la denunciarán.

Sanitas denunciará a una mujer de 92 años, que está en una residencia, porque esta mujer quiere cancelar un seguro de salud que no necesita, y que además no puede permitirse pagar.

¿Hay alguien más en la misma situación? Si es así por favor, pasad esta información.


  1. Hi John,
    so what if they sue her???
    are they going to take a 92 years old lady to jail for not paying?

    send the termination letter and stop paying, they will do nothing!
    by the way, read the small print, are you sure she has to pay the whole year?

    un beso

  2. She lost the contract many years ago. Her worry is that they will sue her and she will loose money by going through court. She is 92 and this sort of thing is traumatic. I am going to cancel the payments. My company uses Sanitas so that is the first client that is going.

  3. Hi John,

    I dont think they will sue her, but they tell the true here... She has to ask for cancellation 2 months before 31th December....after that, the service is renewed for one more year. Same rules than other health insurances in Spain. Regards, Carlos

  4. Thanks everyone. It seems a bit unfair... Anyway, I am cancelling my Sanitas comany policy and changing to Adeslas. So they will pay one way or another.

  5. It is a sad story. It could have been prevented though by getting an international medical insurance cover for your aunty.
