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Saturday 4 December 2010

Latest on ATC Strikes in Spain

The government has given the military control over national airspace and will take extraordinary measures if controllers continue with their action, which forced the closure of eight airports including Madrid's big international hub.

A new controllers work shift was due to begin early Saturday.

Questions to be asked:

Why did the Spanish Government makes its labour changes just before a bank holiday in the Christmas season?

Why did the ATC staff go on strike without consulting a union (a falta grave in my job and dismissable)?

Will the PSOE grow a pair big enough to make an example of these "Pijo's" who think they can hold an ailing economy and families to ransom?

Will the govenrnmental mismanagement of this crisis be enough to actually allow Rajoy to win a debate?

Was this timed to divert attention from the economic crisis?

Anyway - For any expats stuck, trying to get home...good luck. Car hire companies are pushing rental charges through the roof. The only people trying to help are Renfe. Agin, more and more I am coming to appreciate Renfe and the good work it does.

By the way - No flights expected until 1pm according to the radio at 10:20.


  1. Piss ups and breweries... it is quite staggering that a tiny group of the highest paid people in the country could literally immobilise the skies like this, it's the kind of thing that also gives the most irritating kinds of expats the excuse to huff and puff about how they'd never get away with it in the UK. I think it's that aspect that probably irritates me the most actually!

  2. Youre right. Of course it affected every flight through Spanish airspace, so other nationailities were even more affected.

    Personally for me they lost their arguement by throwing a sickie! At least if they had called a strike, it would have been more honest.
