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Tuesday 15 February 2011

I am Getting Bored by Football in Spain

This is a rant, which has no structure and in parts makes no sense, but I am writing my feelings.  Every day I become more disillusioned with football and the values it teaches our kids.

Football teaches them:

  • To boo and hurl abuse at the opposition
  • To laser sporting figures in the eyes
  • That swearing and physical violence is cool off the pitch
  • That cheating, diving and exaggerating for benefit is cool on the pitch
  • That to show no respect towards a referee (or teacher) is OK
  • That being a footballer is more valuable to society than a teacher, policeman or nurse.
  • That loyalty to an employer is a thing of the past
  • That a sport should be exclusive and for the wealthy to be able to afford and support only
  • To critisise and argue within your own team is aceptable

I was discussing this with my colleague, who blames this affliction on my support for Real Madrid, but I really do not think it is. It is since I have taken an interest in the “unpopular” sports that I realize how much nicer the people are who support them. You never hear parents swearing at there children or shouting out, break his legs at a Rugby match. You never see diving or faking at a hockey match.

Still. At least if I save up 129€ I can afford a football from the Real Madrid shop. Yep that is right. 129€. It was not a typo. The price of a months shopping. Nearly half the minimum monthly wage, for a round plastic globe which will get the hell kicked out of it.

Come on guys. Let’s get back to reality. Football exists because of the grass root supporters. The kids who play at school and want to emulate “heroes”. Can we honestly admit that people like Maradona should influence our children? That Guti is a role model? If I took drugs, or went out drunk driving, I would be ashamed and sit down with my child and apologize. I know it sells press and there is nothing like a good gossip here, but please, let’s praise football skills. Acts of sportsmanship, not foolishness from a very rich kid (who can blame them).

AS, Marca, lets see some other sports mentioned as well. I know that football sells. That’s what football is. The best at marketing. The top 10 rich clubs should just set their own EBIT league. Forget results. 1 million T-shirts sold is a goal and hey presto the league is true to its hype. Stupid comment? It is how I feel at the moment. I think I will go and have a Mahou (sponsor of the liga) and go and watch an international rugby match, for which kids get in free and adult’s pay 10€. There is a bar that sells real beer, as you can trust the supporters not to fight, and indeed you are allowed on the pitch to congratulate the players.

Those are role models. They represent there country for love of a sport and get paid nothing for it. They train every day to be better and when they win a game, they congratulate the opposition.

I am sure my funk is not because I follow Real Madrid. Cristiano for me is a good role model. He doesn’t drink and trains a lot. He plays 100% in every match. I honestly believe he would play football no matter what he earns. I just think I am jaded because I am trying to bring my child up well, and football is not helping.

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