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Wednesday 20 October 2010

The reason for this Blog

OK, why did I create this blog. As you can tell, I am an English speaker andwanted to start a blog on how someone British survives in Madrid. The things I encounter, the things I like and the things I dislike. My frustrations and my moments of deep displeasure.

I also thought I would use this location as an oportunity to rant about some of the obsticle that are put in place when you are a non national. the obstacles that annoy you, despite the fact you have an NIE, a full time job and pay your taxes.

I would welcome input, response, criticism and debate.

Whilst there will be negativity, I must also remark that I have been living in Madrid 6 years, and am very happy. I support Real Madrid, I work, my wife works, my son's school is great, so I am staying.

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