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Wednesday 10 November 2010

People who tell me that English Food is Bad

OK...My gripe today is more of a threat. If anyone else tells me that the food is much better here and in the UK it is awful, I am likely to take a copy of Delia Smiths latest patronising writings and create some form of colonic decoration with it.

Lets be clear. The food that is served to UK tourists n the cheap holiday destinations is bad.

The food that is served to tourists in London, in the tourist areas is bad.

If you go to Trafalagar Square and want to eat well,,,,forget it. If I go to Plaza del Sol and want to eat well, I can forget it as well.

This is the problem of being a tourist. We often eat at the best marketed and not the best cooked places.

I am extremely happy to recommend both good restaraunts in Madrid and good restaraunts in London.

Please guys, give me a break. I weigh 95 kilos, I have always eaten well. It is what I do.


  1. Show me the Spaniard that hasn't come back for more when presented with trifle for the first time.

  2. Very true. And Spotted Dick and Custard.

  3. And my wife, who's from Extremadura, will even admit that black pudding as done for breakfast in any UK pub is just as good as morcilla - if not better! She also loves haggis (!?) - but that's Scottish so it doesn't count

  4. The best Spanish food seems to be based around high quality ingredients, simply and freshly prepared... it can be exceptionally good, but it can also be profoundly unadventurous. The lack of variety of dishes on offer even/especially in the best restaurants still amazes me.
