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Friday 3 December 2010

News Flash - Army Takes Control of 10 Spanish Airports

News Flash, Army Takes Over Airports (3rd Dec 2010 22:00)

It seems unbelievable, but the Army has had to take over air traffic control throughout Spain. I think the last time this happened a certain General Franco was in charge.
Millions of people are grounded and stranded with little or no other means of transport.
All this due to the highest paid European air traffic controllers, not wanting to lose their full pay for being on call. In a country with nearly 22% unemployment, I would like to congratulate the ATC for possibly being more reviled and despised than Osama Bin Laden at George Bush's Barn Dance.
Instead of calling an official strike and having union members make representations to the government, they all called in sick! I hope they all get charged under Section 85 of the penal code for sedition.
This act has actually lead to a death in Barajas, where some poor victim had a heart attack caused by the chaos.
The Spanish Government had given until 21H30 local (20H30 GMT) the controllers so that they could return work, as that did not happen the military controllers replaced the civilians.

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